I am starting B-school in the Fall. I have "un-followed" all posts unrelated to business or headline news on all of my social networking sites, and polished my LinkedIn profile. As I have made this transition several themes have been unavoidable - the most potent of which is that 'Image is Everything' and it can be re-invented over and over again. I have not decided if this is a good thing or not.
I started thinking about what is at the core of the concept of image and landed on the age-old concept of the "first impression". But, this is obviously too simplified for the times we are living in where re-invention, staying ahead of the next big idea, and liberation of style and expectations is ever-present.
So, I am starting a blog about dressing the part. Making the great first impression, and maintaing the illusion. How to stay current with fashion, corporate attire, and trends in different fields (although predominately business) with regard to the dress code of the professional world without seeming old, outdated, or "stuffy". After all, the days of wearing a pant-suit and white shirt to every interview across disciplines is dead. No wants to hang out with that person - let alone hire them and take them to meetings or conferences- dressing for corporate travel comes later.
No one wants to buy anything from the guy wearing this:
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